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Spiritual Meaning of GENESIS 8:1 next - text - summary - Genesis - BM Home - Full Page. AC 838.In the two preceding chapters, the new church called 'Noah,' or the man of that church, was treated of: first, his preparation for receiving faith, and by faith, charity; next, his temptation; and afterwards, his protection, when the Most Ancient Church was perishing.

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Spiritual Meaning of GENESIS 8:1
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AC 838. In the two preceding chapters, the new church called 'Noah,' or the man of that church, was treated of: first, his preparation for receiving faith, and by faith, charity; next, his temptation; and afterwards, his protection, when the Most Ancient Church was perishing. What here follows is his state after temptation, which is described exactly in the order in which it was effected, both with him and with all who become regenerate; for the Word of the Lord is such that wherever it treats of one person, it treats of all men, and of every individual, with a difference according to the disposition of each: this being the universal sense of the Word.

. And God remembered. That this signifies the end of temptation and the beginning of renovation, is evident from what precedes and follows. 'God remembered' signifies, specifically, that He is merciful, for His remembrance is mercy; and this is especially predicated after temptation, because new light then shines forth. So long as temptation continues, the man supposes the Lord to be absent, because he is troubled by evil genii so severely that sometimes he is reduced to despair, and can scarcely believe there is any God. Yet the Lord is then more closely present than he can ever believe. But when temptation ceases, the man receives consolation, and then first believes the Lord to be present. Therefore in the passage before us, the words 'God remembered,' expressed according to the appearance, signify the end of temptation, and the beginning of renovation. 'God' is said to remember, and not 'Jehovah,' because as yet the man was in a state antecedent to regeneration; but when he is regenerated, then 'Jehovah' is named as at the end of this chapter, (verses 20, 21). The reason is that faith is not yet conjoined with charity, for man is for the first time said to be regenerated when he acts from charity. In charity Jehovah is present, but not so much in faith before it is joined to charity. Charity is the very being and life of man in the other world; and as Jehovah is Being and Life itself, so before man is and lives, 'Jehovah' is not said to be with him, but 'God.'

. That by ' Noah' is signified, as before, the man of the Ancient Church; and by 'every wild animal, and every beast that was with him in the ark,' everything that belonged to him, is evident from what was previously stated concerning Noah, and concerning the signification of 'wild animal,' and 'beast.' In the Word 'wild animal' is taken in a twofold sense, namely, for those things in man which are alive, and for those which are dead. It stands for what is alive, because the word in the Hebrew tongue signifies a living thing; but as the most ancient people in their humiliation acknowledged themselves to be as wild animals, the word became also a type of what is dead in man. In the present passage, by 'wild animal' is meant both what is alive and what is dead in one complex, in accordance with what is usually the case with man after temptation, in whom the living and the dead, or the things which are of the Lord, and those which are man‘s own, appear so confounded that he scarcely knows what is true and good; but the Lord then reduces and disposes all things into order, as is evident from what follows. That a 'wild animal' signifies what is alive in man, may be seen in the preceding chapter (Genesis 7:14), and in the present chapter (verses 17, 19); that it also signifies what is dead in man, is evident from what has been shown above respecting wild animals and beasts (n. 45, 46, 142, 143, 246).

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AC 842. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged. That this signifies the disposal of all things into their order, is evident from the signification of 'wind' in the Word. All spirits, both good and evil, are compared and likened to and are also called 'winds;' and in the original tongue ' spirits' are expressed by the same word that means 'winds.' In temptations (which are here the 'waters that assuaged,' as was shown above), evil spirits cause an inundation, by inflowing in crowds with their phantasies, and exciting similar phantasies in man; and when these spirits or their phantasies are dispersed, it is said in the Word to be done by a 'wind,' and indeed by an 'east wind.'

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